(abort "The installation can only proceed in expert user mode.\nThe SOCKS proxy installation requires the user\nto provide some networking configuration parameters\nand cannot be installed otherwise.")
(set #installdir
(prompt "Where would you like to install the SOCKS proxy program\n(a directory will NOT be created)?")
(help "This is the location where the SOCKS proxy binary will be installed.")
(default "AmiTCP:bin")
(prompt ("Copying SOCKS proxy program to %s..." #installdir))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "socks")
(dest #installdir)
(set #proxyaddress
(prompt "What is the address of the SOCKS proxy server\nthat you would like to use?")
(help "This is the IP address (either as a fully qualified\nhostname or a dotted numerical IP address)\nof the SOCKS proxy server to be used.")
(default "")
(set #directnetwork
(prompt "What is the IP address of the network that is\ndirectly accesible by your computer?")
(help "This is the IP address of the network that your\ncomputer can access directly, without\nhaving to go through the SOCKS proxy server.")
(default "")
(set #directnetmask
(prompt "What is the netmask of the network that is\ndirectly accesible by your computer?")
(help "This is the netmask of the network that your\ncomputer can access directly, without\nhaving to go through the SOCKS proxy server.")
(default "")
(prompt "Create SOCKS configuration file socks.conf in ENV: and ENVARC:?")
(help "This will create a default configuration file\nfor SOCKS proxy based on the parameters provided.")